5 Reasons Hillary is Evil

The people who most vehemently loathe Hillary Clinton tend to be older women . . . this thought was expressed in class this week while talking politics. I didn’t get the chance to raise my hand and expound on my own hatred of Hillary, which is probably just as well. Whether or not older women are Hillary’s most passionate haters, I’m 21 and I think I belong in the group.

Another time this week, I casually labeled Hillary “evil,” and was subsequently asked how exactly I believed her to be evil. It’s a good question, but the trouble with severe dislike is that it’s hard to put your finger on exactly what ticks you off about someone—often, a whole range of traits and associations swirl together to form a bundle of un-likableness that is the disliked person. How exactly is Hillary evil? Why exactly do I hate her? Here goes nothing.

Hillary Clinton

5) The way she talks.

The pauses and tone are calculated and her words are insincere—meaningless or worse. I’ve had three years of experience in high school debating (which is pretty similar to political debating, just a whole lot more fun and respectful) and I’ve gotten used to judging personality by speaking style. Sometimes my judgement is totally off—once I debated a girl who seemed extremely stuck-up during the round, but was a thoroughly nice person outside the round (I think she was still working on her speech style). That was just once. I’ve seen styles similar to Hillary’s before. It’s stylized, it’s patronizing, and it’s fake. (Well, not too much different from Obama’s though.)


4) The way she acts.

Hillary laughs at criticism instead of addressing it, as we saw in the first debate. She smiles perpetually (and apparently so does her running mate, Time Kaine), which is weird. She puts on a facade of caring, makes a deliberate point to walk toward the people who ask her questions, and she tends to keep an eye out for people to hug (as long as the huggee is a woman, child, or minority). It’s an act. Of course she’s a politician, and everything she does in the public arena is part of the act—but it’s so off-putting.


3) The way she represents herself.

Yes, Hillary is a woman. I think it’s more accurate to call her a woman than it is to call Obama black. But who cares? She’s playing her “woman” card so heavy-handedly, stressing her connection to family. Her twitter biography currently says, “Wife, mom, grandma, women+kids advocate, FLOTUS, Senator, SecState, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, 2016 presidential candidate.” The first five words are contrived to make her family connections seem very important to her, but I don’t buy it—in fact I’m creeped out by it. I wouldn’t want her anywhere near my own family, and that desire would be multiplied exponentially if I had kids.

Furthermore, her online presence (Youtube, website photos) show women, children, and ethnic minorities almost exclusively. We’re supposed to believe that she cares about disadvantaged people in particular . . . but it’s a political game. I don’t make friends with certain groups of people solely based on race, but she seems to be trying to. Hillary just wants power.

2) She’s devious.

By now, the world knows it. Depending on whether it suits her, she’s alternatively an expert on cybersecurity or she doesn’t know what “C” means. For once she got caught. I wouldn’t trust Hillary farther than I could throw her, which isn’t very far with the Secret Service nearby.


1) She’s after our freedom— and money.

This in particular isn’t enough to cause hatred if it seems that the freedom-napper really believes in what they’re doing. However, my dislike of Hillary is aggravated by her rhetoric of “investing” in families, in the middle class, in whatever . . . which means forcing taxpayers like me to fund more school programs, more healthcare, and more inefficient green energy programs. “Investing” means paying. She’s manipulative, and her public choice of words is carefully crafted so that the passive listener just hears happy-sounding plans.

In particular, I have a problem with Hillary’s plan to make preschool (not to mention college) available to everyone. It sounds nice; I’ll be paying for it. I strongly disapprove of the compulsory “education” that is America’s school system . . . it’s jail for kids. I’ve had bad experiences with school very early in life, and so have uncountable other children. How dare Hillary suggest that I pay for more of it.


I think Hillary is evil because she’s a liar in words and deeds. She’s a a hypocrite, and continues to pretend that she’s a good, caring person.



Addendum: My own bias.

I really dislike Hillary, but as C.S. Lewis said, “The surest means of disarming an anger or a lust was to turn your attention from the girl or the insult and start examining the passion itself.” It’s hard to analyze hatred while remaining hateful. I think my problem with Hillary has a lot to do with who she is, but at the same time, it’s also caused by who I am.

Of all my (thankfully few) traumatic life experiences with bullies and everyday tyrants, the great majority of tormentors have been female. So, I’m especially sensitive to and critical of the signals sent by female authority figures. These bad experiences were concentrated in my first years of public school, and at that formative age, I didn’t have many strategies for dealing with problem people. Hence my extreme distaste for compulsory schooling and automatic suspicion of anyone who speaks well of the system.

I like to think I have something of a natural moral compass. Hence, I’ll say my dislike of Hillary’s insincerity is a side affect of being human. (Unfair?) Furthermore, I’m a Libertarian. I bristle like a porcupine at anyone who messes with my freedom.

So, those are my four personally-related reasons for disliking Hillary—she’s a woman who’s sending tyrant signals, she wants to support schools, she’s a career liar, and she’s a democrat. In that order? Hm. It seems that bias resulting from personal experience is a very strong thing. This is why it’s so important to have reasonable people around to disagree with you.


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